Archive for April, 2008


I found a blog by a man in Iraq.

April 28, 2008

It’s pretty freaking epic, some of the storys are amazing. It is crazy to think that bullets and bombs are just as natural to them as a police siren is to us. You should check it out.


I want to be part of something that has never happened before, and so should YOU!

April 27, 2008

Something that may come as a surprise to all of you, but the idea of a woman for president that would be a major jump for the women of the world, and in the United States, but good thing that wont happen until Hilliary is an old shriveled up ball of yuck. Were talking about something even greater than that. Were talking about something that has NEVER happened in the history of The United States of America! What do you think it is, I will give you a second to think about it before I spill the “beans”. Go ahead, stop here and think about it. Seriously, stop reading this and think about what has never happened in the history of the US.

This is what it is, a president that was voted into office with nothing more than write ins. We all know that my main man Dr. Paul is not going to get on the ballot, unless we make a stand and fight for something that is greater than all of us, that is THIS COUNTRY. Our government has created bad relations with a many number of countries, it’s actually sad. I feel like I personally have violated the rights of people of other countries because of what the government has sent out military in to do in countries. But Dr. Paul can fix all the mistakes that the Bush office has ruined, not just on foreign affairs but also at home. He knows the way to fix everything that is broken, the economy, health care, etc. While Barack and Hilliary battle it out there is going to be an amazing turn of events. People will be looking at the two Democrats that are at each others throats fighting to the death. Imagine this, A country with cheap health care, a strong economy, a strong dollar, no debt. Now, again I am going to ask you to sit and think, don’t be scared of it, it’s here to help you. Now picture this government I have spoken of under the rule of Barack Obama, eh… seems possible, but not probable. What about John McCain? No, he is the same as Bush, McCain will just dig the hole deeper that we are already in. Hilliary Clinton, hahaha. Ron Paul, ohshi!!! Wait, hold on a second, this guy actually makes sense, he knows about the ways the world works, he knows that the country is headed down, we are too wide spread, we cannot support our selves for the obese monster of a country that we have become. Dr. Paul knows that America is headed in the same direction that the Roman Empire did so many years ago. The Roman Empire was too wide spread to support its self, its like and Elephant trying to walk with legs of a flamingo. NEWS FLASH!!!! IT’S NOT POSSIBLE!!!! Those legs are going to break sooner or later and when they do, what is going to happen? Anarchy, Government dissolves, No health care. The country will cease to exist. I don’t know about you but I love this country and I don’t want to see it go to hell over a president, but It will.

We need to start spreading the word around, if Dr. Paul’s name is not on the ballot we need to write his name in. This country is going to fall apart unless we get someone that knows how to get the country back into shape, McCain, Obama, or Hilliary cannot even come close to what Dr. Paul will do.

Heres to history! Write in Ron Paul in your 2008 ballot for a better tomorrow. If McCain or Hilliary make it into office, I will probably cry myself to sleep for the next 4 years…or move to Canada and cry myself to sleep every night for you poor souls in America.

Seriously, this is going to be epic.


New Gerbers.

April 24, 2008

I got my new knife and multi-tool today. Gerber. Needless to say, Gerber is the new Le*therM*n. Gerber simply makes better tools. Here are some pics!



April 20, 2008

Bond is the best game, ever.  It is a city wide game of tag.  Usually played at night with 40+ people and you run from point A to point B.  Generally about 2-3 miles, and you get about 30-45 min to get there.  you are racing against the clock and against the chacers who are in cars and try to tag you.

normally its fun, but tonight was lame.  the people making decisions was a total idiot.  To say the lease, most boring game of BOND I ever played.


Taxday was awesome…

April 16, 2008

I worked from 9am 4/15 to 12am 4/16. Elton John was there, I got to mingle with the claire guys, I DIDNT HAVE ANY RED BULL (oh so sad about that). But the real reason for this post is because I look amazing right now.

Oh I also got to meet Michelle Kwan, she is cool.


5D class…

April 8, 2008

I am off to the 5D class…Be home around 5 or so.


I need a vacation…

April 6, 2008



Today I was looking at the stats on my blog…

April 4, 2008

Someone found my blog by searching for biggest piece of crap, how awesome is my blog?


Today I realised something…

April 2, 2008

People think that because I don’t care about my hair, or how my general appearance is that I feel the same about work.  You are wrong.  I got countless phone calls and messages asking where I was around 11:45 am when I needed to be somewhere at 12:30.  Just because I look like I could care less does not mean that I do.  People need to take some chill pills and go with the flow.



Almost forgot…

April 1, 2008

I can ride my bicycle with no handle bars.